When your child is attending speech, the SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) will first identify sounds they need help with. Once they have identified the sounds your child needs to work, then they pick one sound to really focus on. Part of our responsibility as parents is to help our children practice those sounds. One fun way to do this is to read books with the sound they are targeting in speech. Here are some book suggestions that target the R sound.
If your child can read, then have them read the book to you, but if they cannot then read the book to them and have the repeat any words that have the target sound.
Rodney the Rat by Valerie Ann
Stars by Mary Lyn Ray
Robert the Rose Horse by Joan Heilbroner
Harriet’s Horrible Hair Day by Dawn Lesley Stewart
No Roses for Harry! by Gene Zion
Worse than Rotten, Ralph by Jack Gantos
R Blend Books
The Truck Book by Harry McNaught
A Frog Thing by Eric Drachman
Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
May I Bring a Friend by Beatrice De Regniers
Be a Friend to Trees by Patricia Lauber
Freckleface Strawberry by Julianne Moore