More Results on Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
46-year old female referred by her orthodontist because of anterior tongue thrust. Orthodontic treatment was very slow due to her tongue thrust. She also demonstrated a frontal lisp on most of her speech sounds. To get the most out of her orthodontic treatment, her tongue and lip resting posture and swallow needed to be corrected. During the tongue thrust program she corrected her swallow, mouth resting posture and all erred speech sounds. These pictures were taken within 3 months and her orthodontist was very happy with her results. She reports feeling more confident as a teacher talking to her students, parents, and other school personnel after participating in tongue thrust and speech therapy.


9 year old male referred by his mom, whom is a Speech-Language Pathologist. Referred for finger sucking and tongue thrust. After 30 day finger program, he stopped sucking his thumb and started tongue thrust therapy. He has corrected his tongue resting posture during the day and at night, He has coordinated swallows and his teeth look amazing with no orthodontic treatment.
