By 12 Months of Age
Does not use a variety of vowel and consonant sounds during vocalization
Does not babble
No turn taking or sound imitation
Does not request items by using a gesture & sound
Does not follow simple directions with gestures
No attempts to make words
By 2 Years of Age
Less than 50 words vocabulary
Using unintelligible speech
Does not follow 2-step directions
Does not understand approximately 200-300 words
Does not use two-word phrases consistently
By 4 Years of Age
Does not use the following sounds: S, Z, SH, CH, L, R
Does not maintain a conversation
Does not use 4-5 word sentences
By 18 Months of Age
Less than 10 words of vocabulary
Does not follow most directions
Does not maintain eye contact during interactions
Does not initiate verbal interactions
Does not show an interest in looking at books
Does not use the following sounds: B, P, M, N, T, D, K, G
By 3 Years of Age
Not using approximately 80% intelligible speech
Less than 50 words vocabulary
Does not understand approximately 900 words
Does not use 3-4 word sentences
Does not answer simple questions
Does not ask simple questions
Does not use the following sounds: F, V
Repeats the first sounds of words (i.e. b-b-ball)
By 5 Years of Age
Not using most consonant sounds correctly and accurately
Does not use 5-8 word sentences
Does not tell a story