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9 Great Childrens’ Books about Down Syndrome

9 Great Childrens’ Books about Down Syndrome

Since it is Down Syndrome awareness month, we wanted to highlight some great books we found about Down Syndrome. Some of these books are geared for teaching other children and others are geared for kids with Down Syndrome. Check out our list and let us know if you...
Resolve to Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking

Resolve to Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking

Many children suck their thumbs and fingers. It’s a completely natural habit, which can be useful for babies and young toddlers to cope with life in general. At a certain age, this tool of theirs becomes a problem. Most children stop sucking their thumbs and fingers...
Strategies for a Smooth Holiday Season

Strategies for a Smooth Holiday Season

The holiday season has begun! Halloween is over and in a few short weeks, it will be Thanksgiving followed by Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Years. The holidays can be filled with family and friends, presents, traditions, and lots of food. This departure from...
The Art of Entertaining Yourself

The Art of Entertaining Yourself

If your house is anything like mine, then the first few weeks of summer vacation, the kids come to tell you they are “bored”, like “really bored”. I don’t think this is because our house is boring, but I think the kids have been in school five days a week for 8 hours...
The Ultimate Summer Schedule

The Ultimate Summer Schedule

Summer Vacation has started! We as parents start to turn our thoughts to kids being home all day and how to keep them entertained. While summer usually means more free time, it doesn’t need to mean that all their time should be free time. In fact, studies have proven...
End of the School Year Stress Relievers for Parents and Kids

End of the School Year Stress Relievers for Parents and Kids

I don’t know about what it’s like at your house, but the end of the year is filled with concerts, dance recitals, championship games, testing, and kids that just seem to be done. They are done with structure and long days. They are done with tests and school...